Birmingham {Viewpoint} Blog

Firstly, apologies for the site being down for the past couple of weeks – shame on you if you didn’t notice! 😉 The theme being used decided to auto-update and the format of the theme changed completely, which didn’t suit the layout used. Long story short, life has been busy and I’ve only just gotten round to sorting a new one.

Hopefully you like the new layout – it’s pretty similar to the old one. Thanks to Ross Jukes for letting me use his image as the header for the site – this is something that I aim to change on a monthly basis, using a photo from previous months as the site’s image…

So, onto the subject for February. As you might have noticed, we’re already 15 days into February, so I had to pick a subject which was easily accessible to all on short notice. The Bullring (in particular the Selfridges end with all the discs) is possibly one of the most photographed landmarks in Birmingham – it was also going to be Subject #3 in Year 1, before I learned of the imminent fate of Island House, so it sadly got dropped as a subject and never returned… That is until now!

As is the whole concept of this project, it amazes me how many different photographs I see (pretty much on a daily basis) of the Selfridges’ discs that are different to each other. I think this is one of those subjects that really brings the project to life as everyone views the building so differently.

So, without further ado, you have 12 days in which to get your photo… Apologies for the delay, fingers crossed everything will be on time from now on.

Cheers, Pete…